Hurricane Season



Are you prepared to weather the storm?

Hurricane season is here, and preparation is key.  Now is the time to review your current practices and prepare should your area be impacted.  Here are a few tips:

  • Review your emergency preparedness plan. If you do not have one currently, now is a great time to get started. This plan should outline procedures before, during and after the storm to communicate to employees, clients and vendors.  Also, include post storm and recovery procedures.
  • Communication of the plan.  How do you plan on communicating with employees, clients and vendors before, during and after the event? If you have employees, now is the time to update and confirm contact information.
  • Emergency Response Team.  Have you identified, defined roles and communicated who is in charge of what roles? The Emergency Response Team should have roles designed to help with communication, preparation and recovery if an event or storm does take place.
  • Review Insurance Coverages.  Understand what is covered and not covered, should a storm impact our area.  Schedule a call to review the policy with the insurance agent to answer specific questions.  What stapes or requirements are needed to make a claim?
  • Resources. If a storm or event impacts our area, what resources are available and when?  Having a clear understanding of what is available to both the business and employees is vital.
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